Henline Falls

Sunday, June 4, 2017 – Sunny, mid 60’s

Info: appx. 2 mi, appx. 345′ elevation gain, about 1 hour, $5 park fee or pass

It was a beautiful mild weathered day when the youngest and I decided to set out for a mommy-son hike. We headed up to Henline Falls, which is the perfect hike for a budding child hiker.

If you’ve never been, Henline Falls is a quick and relatively easy hike that ends at the foot of a gorgeous waterfall with a shallow pool. I’ve never been in the summer, but it would be an excellent place to cool down in the woods.

The last time I went, it was mid-week during the Spring and the trail was practically dead. I don’t think we saw more than 2 other hikers. This time we saw many more people than that, mostly on our way out (around 1:30pm).

We had a great time hiking, hanging out at the falls, and spending quality time together. If you haven’t been there yet, its a must see in the Opal Creek Wilderness area.

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